Export Application or Workspaces from the Command Line.

<span style="font-size:22px"><h2>How to Export Application or Workspaces from the Command Line|| in windows Environment Oracle Apex</h2></span>

How to Export Application or Workspaces from the Command Line|| in windows Environment Oracle Apex


I Will Fully Discuss And Try To Show How To Backup Applications From Oracle Apex Using Cmd.
If You Can Use All The Steps Shown By Me Properly Then Hopefully You To Can Easily Backup All Your Oracle Apex Applications Using Cmd, Watch My Full Video / Post And Try To Do Accordingly.

Steps On How To Export Application Or Workspaces From The Command Line.

1. First, Download The Export Application Jar File By Clicking On The Link Below. 

🔗 Download The Export Application Jar File-

2. Once The File Is Downloaded, Unzip It First. 

Now The Main Work Of Exporting Our Application Has Started .....

3. Copy The Jarfile From The Downloaded Folder And Paste It Into Your Apex Utilities Folder. 
4. Now We Will Set Some Environment Paths. 
5. Click Start Button And Type Environment. 
6. When The Environment Window Opens, Click The Environment Variables Button At The Bottom. 
7. When The Environment Variables Window Opens, Click On The New Button And Set 3 Paths 
8. 1st Path Name-      Name- Java_home,
     Value - C: \ Program Files \ Java \ Jdk-15.0.1\bin       our Java Folder Location Url ........
9. 2nd Path      Name - Apex_base,
     Value - D: \ Apex_21.2_en \ Apex
     Your Apex Folder Location Url ........
10. 3rd Path      Name - Classpath,
      Value - %APEX_BASE%\utilities\ojdbc8.jar;%APEX_BASE%\utilities
     Your Apex Utilities Folder Location Url ........
11. Then We Will Create A New Folder Inside The Folder In Which We Want To Back Up.      Name-application Backup.
12. Now I Will Take Out Our Workspace Id. I Will Open The Sql Command And Look At The Workspace Id Using A Select Statement. 
13. Set Your Username And Password And Workspace Id In The Following Command; 

Our Work Is Almost Finished.


java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db localhost:1521:LIVE -user hr -password hr -workspaceid 1111111111111

14. Now We Will Open Cmd. 
15. Type- 

Cd D: \ Apex_21.2_en \ Apex \ Utilities
java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db localhost:1521/orclpdb -user hr -password hr -workspaceid 1111111111


🔗 Demo Application-
            URL- Demo Application
            Username - demo, Pass- demo

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Then Enjoy.........................

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Hlo Sir

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