How To Use Password Validation In Oracle Apex Application.

How to use password validation in Oracle Apex application?

How to use password validation in Oracle Apex application?

Introduction: The Importance of Strong Password Validation in Oracle Apex

In an era where cyber threats loom large, ensuring the security of your applications is of utmost importance. Oracle Application Express (Apex) is a powerful tool that allows developers to build robust web applications. However, without proper security measures in place, these applications can become vulnerable to unauthorized access and data breaches.

One of the key elements of application security is password validation. By implementing effective password validation techniques, you can enhance the strength of your authentication system and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access. In this article, we will delve into the world of password validation in Oracle Apex, exploring its significance, implementation, and the benefits it brings to both security and user experience.

Password Validation Is An Important Issue In Oracle Apex Applications. The Use Of Password Validation To Keep Applications And Data Secure Is Immense.

In Today's Video/Post, I Will Discuss Password Validation In Detail.
I Will Try To Show Password Validation In Two Ways.

  • 1. Statically.
  • 2. Dynamically.
  • We Will Use Password Validation Dynamically So That The Admin User Of The Application Can Set Their Own Password Validation.

    Password Validation Will Include Any Validation Method....................

  • Password Must Contain At Least One Uppercase Letter From A-z.
  • Password Must Contain At Least One Lowercase Letter From A-z.
  • Password Must Contain At Least One Number From 0-9.
  • Password Must Contain A Special Character (@, $, !, &, Etc.).
  • Password Must Be At Least 8 Characters Long.
  • The Most Important Thing Is That The Password Field Cannot Be Left Empty.
  • Example: Abc#1234
  • Steps How To Use Password Validation In Oracle Apex Application...............

    1. In The 1st Step, We Will Show You How To Statically Set Password Validation.
    Password Validation We Can Use When Creating A New Password Or Changing A Password. You Can Set Password Validation At A Convenient Place As You Wish. I Will Show Validation On New Password Item On Change Password Page In My Application.

  • I Will Go Directly To The Change My Password Page To Set Password Validation.
  • Create A Validation By Clicking The Right Button On The New_password Item.
  • Name-pass_validation
  • Type-function Body (Returning Error Text)
  • Pl/sql Function Body Returning Error Text (Paste the following code)
        IF LENGTH ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD) < 8
            RETURN 'Password length must be more than 8 Character';
            IF LENGTH ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD) > 20
                RETURN 'Password length must be less than 10 Character';
                IF NOT REGEXP_LIKE ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD, '^.*[A-Z]', 'c')
                    RETURN 'Upper Case characters Not Found';
                    IF NOT REGEXP_LIKE ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD, '^.*[a-z]', 'c')
                        RETURN 'Lower Case characters Not Found';
                        IF NOT REGEXP_LIKE ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD, '^.*[a-zA-Z]', 'c')
                            RETURN 'Alhpabet characters Not Found';
                            IF NOT REGEXP_LIKE ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD,
                                RETURN 'Numeric characters Not Found';
                                IF NOT REGEXP_LIKE ( :P14_NEW_PASSWORD,
                                    RETURN 'Special characters Not Found';
                                    RETURN '';
                                END IF;
                            END IF;
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
  • The Pl/sql Script You Will Modify According To Your Application, Especially The Script Should Be Renamed According To The Name Of The Item On Your Page.
  • .
  • Our 1st Step Is Almost Done. Is The Static Password Validation We Used At This Stage Working Correctly? I Will Check It.
  • Our 1st Step Has Completed The Use Of Static Password Validation.


    2. In Step 2 We Will Show How To Use Dynamically Password Validation..........

    To Use Dynamically Password Validation, We Need To Create A Table And A Procedure. I Will Create a Table And Procedure Step By Step And Try To Give You All Scripts.

    Create A Table (Can Also Create Table Using Below Script)
        "OID"                      NUMBER,
        "PASS_MIN_LENGTH"          NUMBER,
        "PASS_MAX_LENGTH"          NUMBER,
        "ALPHABETIC_CHAR"          VARCHAR2 (1),
        "NUMERIC_CHAR"             VARCHAR2 (1),
        "PUNCTUATION_CHAR"         VARCHAR2 (1),
        "UPPER_CASE_CHAR"          VARCHAR2 (1),
        "LOWER_CASE_CHAR"          VARCHAR2 (1),
        "USER_NAME"                VARCHAR2 (1),
        "WORD_LIST"                VARCHAR2 (1024),
    Create A Form Page

  • Name -Set Password Validation
  • We Will Create A List Of Values For Ease Of Work

  • Go To Shared Components
  • Click Lists of Values
  • Click Create
  • Name- YES_OR_NO
  • Source: Static Values
  • Display- Yes, No
  • Return- Y, N
  • I Will Arrange All The Items Of The Form In My Own Way..

    Here We Will Create Only One Row, Later Admin Users Will Only Update Their Policies.

    I Will Create A Process To Insert The Data.

    Name- Insert Data
    Since We Will Do All The Work In One Row. So To Update The Data Of A Row, I Will Create A Process In The Before Header.
    At This Stage We Will Create A Procedure To Use Password Validation. (Paste the following code)
        pPassword     IN     VARCHAR2,
        vUSERID       IN     VARCHAR2,
        vOutMessage      OUT VARCHAR2)
        vNUMERIC_CHAR       VARCHAR2 (2);
        vUPPER_CASE_CHAR    VARCHAR2 (2);
        vLOWER_CASE_CHAR    VARCHAR2 (2);
        vPASSWORD_DIFF      VARCHAR2 (2);
        pPassword_old       VARCHAR2 (4000);
        pPassword_old_1     VARCHAR2 (4000);
    --- vOutMessage         VARCHAR2 (100);
        IF LENGTH (pPassword) < vPASS_MIN_LENGTH
            vOutMessage :=
                   'Password length must be more than '
                || vPASS_MIN_LENGTH
                || ' Character';
            vOutMessage := 1;
        END IF;
        IF LENGTH (pPassword) > vPASS_MAX_LENGTH
            vOutMessage :=
                   'Password length must be less than '
                || vPASS_MAX_LENGTH
                || ' Character';
        --  else
        -- vOutMessage:=1;
        END IF;
        IF vUPPER_CASE_CHAR = 'Y'
            IF REGEXP_LIKE (pPassword, '^.*[A-Z]', 'c')
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Upper Case characters Found');
                vOutMessage := 1;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Upper Case characters Not Found');
                vOutMessage := 'Upper Case characters Not Found';
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF vLOWER_CASE_CHAR = 'Y'
            IF REGEXP_LIKE (pPassword, '^.*[a-z]', 'c')
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Lower Case characters Found');
                vOutMessage := 1;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Lower Case characters Not Found');
                vOutMessage := 'Lower Case characters Not Found';
            END IF;
        END IF;
            IF REGEXP_LIKE (pPassword, '^.*[a-zA-Z]', 'c')
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Alhpabet characters Found');
                vOutMessage := 1;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Alhpabet characters Not Found');
                vOutMessage := 'Alhpabet characters Not Found';
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF vNUMERIC_CHAR = 'Y'
            IF REGEXP_LIKE (pPassword, '^.*[0-9]', 'c')
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Numeric characters Found');
                vOutMessage := 1;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Numeric characters Found');
                vOutMessage := 'Numeric characters Not Found';
            END IF;
        END IF;
            IF REGEXP_LIKE (pPassword, '^.*[!@#$%^&*()_]', 'c')
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Special characters Found');
                vOutMessage := 1;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Special characters Not Found');
                vOutMessage := 'Special characters Not Found';
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF vPASSWORD_DIFF = 'Y'
            SELECT PIN
              INTO pPassword_old
              FROM MY_USERS
            pPassword_old_1 := acl.CUSTOM_HASH (vUSERID, pPassword);
            IF pPassword_old_1 = pPassword_old
                vOutMessage := 'Old Password and New Password Can Not be Same';
                vOutMessage := 1;
            END IF;
        END IF;
  • Procedure If The Creation Is Done Correctly At This Stage We Will Go Back To The Password Change Page.
  • Create A Validation By Clicking The Right Button On The New_password Item.
  • Type-function Body (Returning Error Text)
  • Pl/SQL Function Body Returning Error Text (Paste the following code)
        mess   VARCHAR2 (300);
        IF mess != '1'
            RETURN mess;
        END IF;

    Our 2nd Phase Is Almost Done. At This Stage We Will Dynamically Check Whether Password Validation Is Set Correctly Or Not.

    Use Password Validation In Oracle Apex Application

    When it comes to securing your Oracle Apex application, implementing strong password validation is paramount. By enforcing certain rules and constraints on the passwords chosen by users, you can significantly enhance the security posture of your application. Let's take a closer look at how you can utilize password validation in Oracle Apex effectively.

    1. Understand the Password Requirements

    Before implementing password validation in your Oracle Apex application, it is crucial to define the specific requirements for passwords. This includes determining the minimum and maximum length, the inclusion of alphanumeric characters, special characters, and any other constraints you deem necessary. By setting clear guidelines, you can ensure that users create passwords that meet your security standards.

    2. Leverage Regular Expressions for Validation

    Regular expressions provide a powerful toolset for validating passwords in Oracle Apex. By defining a pattern that passwords must adhere to, you can enforce specific criteria, such as the inclusion of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Regular expressions allow for flexibility in defining complex password rules, empowering you to create a robust validation mechanism.

    3. Implement Password Complexity Checks

    In addition to regular expressions, implementing password complexity checks can further strengthen your password validation process. By conducting checks on password strength, such as the presence of dictionary words, common patterns, or repeated characters, you can ensure that users choose strong and unique passwords. This additional layer of validation adds an extra barrier against potential security breaches.

    4. Provide Clear Password Error Messages

    When users fail to meet the password validation criteria, it is important to provide clear and user-friendly error messages. Instead of generic error messages, which can confuse users, offer specific guidance on how to rectify the issue. By providing informative feedback, you can help users understand the password requirements and successfully create a secure password.

    5. Enable Password Expiry and Reset

    To further enhance security, consider implementing password expiry and reset mechanisms in your Oracle Apex application. By periodically requiring users to change their passwords, you minimize the risk of unauthorized access due to compromised credentials. Additionally, providing users with a secure password reset process ensures they can regain access to their accounts if needed.

    Our Use Of Static And Dynamic Password Validation Has Been Completed. Hopefully The Complete Video/post Of Password Validation.
    This Will Help You To Some Extent. If You Have Any Observations Or Suggestions Regarding This Post, Please Let Us Know In The Comment Box. Please Support Me By Subscribing My Channel.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1: Why is password validation important in an Oracle Apex application?

    Password validation is crucial in an Oracle Apex application as it strengthens the security of the application by enforcing password rules and constraints. This helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

    Q2: What are some common password validation rules?

    Common password validation rules include minimum and maximum length requirements, the inclusion of alphanumeric and special characters, and restrictions on commonly used passwords.

    Q3: Can password complexity checks be bypassed by determined attackers?

    While password complexity checks add an extra layer of security, determined attackers may still find ways to bypass them. It is essential to combine password complexity checks with other security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, to strengthen overall security.

    Q4: How can I implement password validation in Oracle Apex?

    To implement password validation in Oracle Apex, you can utilize regular expressions to define the desired password pattern and constraints. Additionally, you can leverage built-in Apex features and custom PL/SQL code to perform additional checks and validations.

    Q5: Are there any downsides to strict password validation?

    Strict password validation may sometimes inconvenience users who struggle to remember complex passwords. However, striking the right balance between security and user experience is crucial. Educating users about the importance of strong passwords and providing clear guidelines can help mitigate these downsides.

    Q6: Can I customize password validation rules based on specific requirements?

    Yes, you can customize password validation rules based on your specific requirements. Oracle Apex provides flexibility in defining the desired password constraints, allowing you to align them with your organization's security policies.

    Conclusion: Strengthen Your Oracle Apex Application with Password Validation

    Implementing password validation in your Oracle Apex application is a vital step in fortifying its security. By enforcing password rules, leveraging regular expressions, and implementing complexity checks, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Additionally, providing clear error messages, enabling password expiry and reset, and striking the right balance between security and user experience contribute to a robust application.

    Remember, protecting your application and user data requires a multi-layered approach. Combine password validation with other security measures, such as encryption, user access controls, and regular security audits, to establish a comprehensive security framework.

    Empower your users to create strong and secure passwords while ensuring their experience remains hassle-free. By implementing effective password validation in your Oracle Apex application, you can strengthen security, enhance user confidence, and protect your valuable data.

    I Will Try To Show Details Of Login Validation In My Next Video.

    In Login Validation

  • If The User Uses The Wrong Password More Than 5 Times, The Account Will Be Locked.
  • Lock The Account For A Certain Period Of Time.
  • There Will Be Details About Etc.

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