How to Delete All Tables, Packages, Functions Using an SQL Script Oracle Database 19c?

Delete All Tables, Packages, Functions Using an SQL Script Oracle Database 19c

In this article, we will explore how to delete all tables, packages, and functions using an SQL script in Oracle Database 19c. This guide will help you understand the process and execute it seamlessly.

Most Of The Time We Need To Delete All The Tables, Packages, Functions Of Oracle Database. Using The Following SQL Code You Can Delete All The Tables, Packages, Functions Of The Database Using A Script. If There Is Any Problem In Using The Code, You Must Comment Or Message, I Will Be With Your Overall Cooperation Inshallah. The Query Below Will Drop All The Tables That Are Present In The Schema Of The Current User A (Login In The Normal Scenario Using User 'a').

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Need for Deleting Tables, Packages, and Functions
  2. Preparing for the Deletion Process
    1. Taking Backup of the Database
    2. Understanding Dependencies
  3. Deleting Tables
    1. Writing the SQL Script
    2. Executing the Script
  4. Deleting Packages and Functions
    1. Identifying Packages and Functions
    2. Writing the SQL Script
    3. Executing the Script
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Can I retrieve deleted tables, packages, or functions?
    2. Do I need special privileges to delete tables, packages, or functions?
    3. What happens to the data stored in the tables?
    4. Can I delete multiple tables, packages, or functions in one script?
    5. Is it possible to delete tables, packages, or functions from a specific schema only?
    6. What precautions should I take before executing the deletion script?
  6. Conclusion

Understanding the Need for Deleting Tables, Packages, and Functions

Before diving into the details of deleting tables, packages, and functions using an SQL script in Oracle Database 19c, let's understand why this operation may be necessary. In the lifecycle of a database, there are scenarios where certain tables, packages, or functions become obsolete, redundant, or need to be removed for security reasons. Removing these objects helps maintain a clean and efficient database environment, ensuring optimal performance.

Preparing for the Deletion Process

Taking Backup of the Database

Before proceeding with any critical operations like deleting tables, packages, or functions, it is crucial to take a backup of your Oracle Database. Backups serve as a safety net and allow you to restore the data in case of any unforeseen issues or accidental deletions.

Understanding Dependencies

When deleting tables, packages, or functions, it's essential to identify their dependencies. These dependencies can include foreign key constraints, triggers, or other objects that rely on the objects you intend to delete. Failing to consider dependencies can lead to errors or inconsistencies in your database.

Deleting Tables

Tables are fundamental components of a database, and deleting them requires careful execution. Let's explore the process step-by-step.

Writing the SQL Script

To delete a table using an SQL script in Oracle Database 19c, you need to write a DROP TABLE statement. For example, to delete a table named "employees," you would write the following script:

DROP TABLE employees;

Executing the Script

To execute the deletion script, you can use any SQL client or Oracle SQL Developer. Connect to your Oracle Database, open a new SQL script file, paste the DROP TABLE statement, and execute it. Once executed, the table will be deleted from the database.

Deleting Packages and Functions

Packages and functions are essential database objects that encapsulate logic and provide reusable functionality. Deleting them follows a similar process as deleting tables.

Identifying Packages and Functions

Before proceeding with the deletion, identify the packages and functions you want to remove from the database. This step is crucial to avoid accidentally deleting the wrong objects.

Writing the SQL Script

To delete a package or function, use the DROP PACKAGE or DROP FUNCTION statement, respectively. For example, to delete a package named "my_package," you would use the following script:

DROP PACKAGE my_package;

Executing the Script

Connect to your Oracle Database using an SQL client or Oracle SQL Developer. Open a new SQL script file, paste the appropriate DROP statement for the package or function you want to delete, and execute it. Once executed, the package or function will be removed from the database.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I retrieve deleted tables, packages, or functions?

No, once you delete tables, packages, or functions using an SQL script, they are permanently removed from the database. It's crucial to have backups in place to restore any lost data or objects.

2. Do I need special privileges to delete tables, packages, or functions?

Yes, you need the necessary privileges to perform deletion operations on tables, packages, or functions. Ensure that your user account has the required privileges before executing the deletion script.

3. What happens to the data stored in the tables?

When you delete a table, all the data stored in that table is also permanently deleted. It's essential to have backups or take precautions to preserve any important data before executing the deletion script.

4. Can I delete multiple tables, packages, or functions in one script?

Yes, you can delete multiple tables, packages, or functions in a single SQL script by including multiple DROP statements. Ensure you write each DROP statement correctly and consider the dependencies among the objects you intend to delete.

5. Is it possible to delete tables, packages, or functions from a specific schema only?

Yes, you can delete tables, packages, or functions from a specific schema by specifying the schema name before the object name in the DROP statement. For example, to delete a table named "employees" from the "hr" schema, you would write:

DROP TABLE hr.employees;

What precautions should I take before executing the deletion script?

Before executing the deletion script, ensure you have a recent backup of the database. Also, thoroughly review the script and double-check the objects you are deleting to avoid any accidental data loss. It's always recommended to test the script in a non-production environment before executing it in a production database.


Efficient management of database objects is vital for maintaining a healthy and high-performing database environment. In this article, we explored how to delete all tables, packages, and functions using an SQL script in Oracle Database 19c. We discussed the need for deletion, preparations, and the step-by-step process for deleting tables,

    stringa   VARCHAR2 (100);
    CURSOR cur IS SELECT * FROM user_objects;
    FOR c IN cur
            stringa := '';
            IF c.object_type = 'VIEW'
                stringa := 'drop view ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'TABLE'
                stringa :=
                    'drop table ' || c.object_name || ' cascade constraints';
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'SEQUENCE'
                stringa := 'drop sequence ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'PACKAGE'
                stringa := 'drop package ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'TRIGGER'
                stringa := 'drop trigger ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'PROCEDURE'
                stringa := 'drop procedure ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'FUNCTION'
                stringa := 'drop function ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'SYNONYM'
                stringa := 'drop synonym ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'INDEX'
                stringa := 'drop index ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
                stringa := 'drop PACKAGE BODY ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            ELSIF c.object_type = 'DATABASE LINK'
                stringa := 'drop database link ' || c.object_name;
                EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stringa;
            END IF;
            WHEN OTHERS

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